
Comments (1)

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Pretty good little game

This is my entry for Brackeys Game Jam whose theme is Diving Deeper.

You are diving to the depths of the sea to find its secret. Travel to the depths while surviving from marine monsters attacks.

What secrets will you find?

Control scheme:

- Numpad keys = Move around and aim weapon

- X = Shoots (hold for continous shooting)

- Enter = Confirm/Pause the game.

- F8 = Take a screenshot.


- Can move and shoot in 8 directions.

- Strafe shooting (hold X after shooting and move around).

- Branching paths.

- Multiple bosses and enemies to beat.

Enjoy the game!

#arcade #adventure #action #shooter #retro #openbor #brackeys #underwater #2D #singleplayer


Secrets of the Deep has been completed! Get it while it's fresh from the water.

Here are some shots to celebrate its release: